FWC Living Shoreline Demonstration Area

General Project Information


Project footprint:

Restored saltmarsh – 5 acres; Shoreline Demonstration Area – 300 linear feet


520 Barracuda Blvd. New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169

Can it be visited by the public?

Yes, the site is maintained by the marine Discovery Center, Inc. which is open daily.

Coordinating organization:

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Marine Discovery Center



Start date and completion date:

July 2014 to November 2014

Other relevant timeline information:

During summer/fall 2014, 5 acres of FWC property (the Mosquito Lagoon Marine Enhancement Center) were restored to saltmarsh through a grant-funded partnership. The Shoreline Demonstration Area was added to the project to showcase various techniques used to stabilize eroding shorelines, including those with mostly natural materials.

Project Components


Type of project:

Demonstration Area


Mangroves, Other native plants, Oyster mats/bags, Redeemed seawall (concrete), Retaining wall (wood), Rip-rap (coquina), Terracing (wood),

Energy level:

Low, but techniques shown are for various energy levels

Optional information


Plant species included:

Various saltmarsh and upland herbaceous and woody groundcover, flowering plants, shrubs, and trees

Source of materials:

Contracted businesses installed terracing, retaining wall, and seawall. Native plants came from a local nursery

Cultch material used:

Oyster shell came from a local restaurant recycling program, Shuck and Share, housed on the property.

Cost per linear foot:  

Varies depending upon technique used.

Contact for more information:

Jeff Beal, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) – jeff.beal@myfwc.com