Joe Rains Beach


General Project Information


Project footprint:

450 Linear feet


8th Street, Cedar Key

Can it be visited by the public?


Coordinating organization:

UF IFAS, City of Cedar Key, local residents



Start date and completion date:

Febuary 15, 2017 – July 30, 2017

Other relevant timeline information:

Paired with a dredging project (beneficial use of dredged material), planted low and high marsh in late spring, monitoring still ongoing

Project Components


Type of project:



Mangroves,Other native plants,Oyster mats/bags,Redeemed seawall, beach nourishment

Energy level:


Optional information


Plant species included:

Spartina alterniflora, Spartina patens

Source of materials:

local dredge spoil, donor marsh areas (permitted), clam aquaculture industry

Cultch material used:

Clam shell

Cost per linear foot:  


Contact for more information:

Mark Clark or Savanna Barry, UF/IFAS