Driftwood Inn, Jensen Beach, Martin County
General Project Information
Project footprint:
90 linear ft.
27°15’18.68″ 80°13’46.62″
Can it be visited by the public?
Yes – Visitation mainly for hotel guests, not general public
Coordinating organization:
Start date and completion date:
April 2016 to Present
Other relevant timeline information:
Project Components
Type of project:
Other native plants and Oyster mats/bags
Energy level:
Optional information
Plant species included:
Seagrasses (shoal grass) were planted waterward of oyster reefs
Spartina alterniflora planted at mid to high intertidal
Source of materials:
FOS, MDC (Spartina)
Cultch material used:
Recycled oyster shells
Cost per linear foot:
$2.77/bag or $1.85/linear foot
Contact for more information:
Lorae Simpson – lsimpson@floridaocean.org